3D Swirl creatives

3D Swirl is an immersive display format with an interactive 3D model. It delivers high impact on brand awareness and purchase intent via an innovative 3D experience.

When people see a 3D Swirl ad, they can explore a 3D rendering in a mobile banner by rotating and interacting with different features. Brands can use Swirl to tell stories. For example, start your creative with a message that transitions away as someone scrolls the ad into view, revealing the 3D model.

Swirl is available in three sizes: 300 x 250, 300 x 600, and 336 x 280 (336 x 280 is only available when also using 300 x 250). Responsive Swirl creatives aren't supported. Fullscreen expansion is optional.

Swirl ads run across Google Ad Manager inventory, giving your campaign large-scale reach.

Full specifications


  • Draws potential customers to engage with an interactive ad experience while giving them complete control
  • Give consumers a zoomable 3D view of your product that's responsive to scroll and touch
  • Enables brands to create a rich immersive story around their products
  • Measure engagement time and engagement types (rotations, expansions) directly in Display & Video 360


To ensure the best ad experience, 3D Swirl creatives are only served to people on high bandwidth networks. Compatible inventory is mobile web (iOS and Android), portrait orientation only.

To determine the volume of Swirl impressions available:

  1. Create an Inventory Availability report.
  2. Add Creative Attributes as a filter. A sub-filter menu appears to the right.
    1. In the sub-filter menu, click + add then select Swirl.
    2. Click Done.
  3. Click Save and run to create a report.

Make a Swirl creative

  1. Design and plan your creative concept. See Swirl Best Practices for tips and tricks.
  2. Create a 3D model. Follow the 3D assets guide to learn how to optimize your model for a Swirl creative.
  3. Build a Swirl creative in Google Web Designer. You can start from a template or build a creative from scratch.
    1. Start with an invitation state. You can listen for publisher page scroll events and trigger rotation of the asset. Or reveal custom animation to grab attention and make it clear that people viewing the ad can rotate the model.
      1. Add a call to action to the top right or bottom right of the creative (for example, "Buy now"). Tapping the call to action should open the advertiser's landing page.
      2. Add an animated indicator with text that lets people know they can swipe to rotate the model (for example, "Swipe to rotate").
      3. (Optional) Add an expand button in the bottom left. Tapping this button should expand the creative to full screen.
    2. Next, create the interaction state. The person viewing the ad can swipe the model, zoom in and out, or interact with advanced template features like hotspots that reveal more details or a color picker.
    3. (Optional) Create the expanded full screen state. Expanding the ad should reveal a full screen version of the interaction above with the same features.
      1. Add a close button to the top right (for example, an "X"). Tapping this button should exit full screen and go back to the interaction state.
      2. Add a call to action to the top right or bottom (for example, "Buy now"). Make sure to leave room between the call to action and the close button to make it easy to tap either one. Tapping this button should open the advertiser's landing page.
  4. To get a fully interactive preview, upload the creative to Display & Video 360. When you publish, Google Web Designer will package the 3D model as a GLB file and include it with your published creative files.

Swirl creative states




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